Warning: big wall of text
You were this close to getting 5 stars for fun, but something about the movement just didn't feel right for me. The walljumps were tricky to make (did you implement coyote time?), I think jumping off of the clouds could've been higher by holding down the jump button and not pressing it, I don't really get why you have "up" and "down" keys in the settings. You could've also done a simple tutorial, maybe even without text and just using images. At first I was confused until I realized that you're not hurt by bullets of the same colour as your aura. And spikes killing you instantly, as well as the spike pole killing you (which I didn't know at first) kinda sapped the fun away for me.
The music was great, although a bit loud, but unfortunately there's no rating for that. I feel like visuals could've done with some more details on the walls, the tiles looked a bit bland. You could've also done more with the theme, I think. The only real neon objects were the barriers and bullets, and as I said, some more decorations could be a nice touch.