Quickly jotted down initial post-mortem thoughts post:
Thanks to all who played and rated my game (yes, all of you, seriously, I'm so happy you wanted to give it a shot even if you ended up not being impressed by the end result :) ).
I'm really pleased with the way Alvin, the Wolf, etc. turned out, both in terms of atmosphere and writing and with the mechanic I was able to build the game around, and as the story I was able to tell, although of course I wish it had more puzzles - it was always meant to be built around puzzles using the relationship between the fast, agile, and powerful wolf that turns into a plush when near people, and the boy who can squeeze through narrow gaps and carry plushie Bobbes out of harm's way when he turns into a plush.
This was my first jam game and an RPG Maker game to boot (although of course I built upon the mechanics with my own ), and my main goal was to finish and submit a game - I really didn't know what to expect in terms of popularity, comments, or rating. I'm blown away by how well it did, to be honest, and I'll probably build upon it now that I'm free to upload one or more new versions. I set out to join the jam with no idea how it'd do,
I think I'll learn Unity for my next game jam, as the engine I used is pretty limiting, and my biggest regret is that a lot of people probably just see an RPG Maker game and don't realize there's more under the hood if they just give it a shot ;) .
Either way,
Thanks for the Jam, one and all! It's been big fun and a great learning experience. See y'all next year.