I still don't notice the red ball curving at all as it moves, although it may just be too subtle for me to detect.
To keep the player from dragging the ball around, you could only allow them to shoot when the ball is stationary, like in traditional golf. If you decide to do this you might want to make the ball faster so the player doesn't have to wait for it to come to a stop.
Ball swinging around is much better now, but still needs some work. You could probably give it entirely different physics while shooting - just a hard distance cap instead of a more complicated elastic simulation- but you know a lot better than me what's happening there so I'll shut up
Lastly I didn't think through the cursor suggestion very well- at the time I figured it would have helped a lot because the blue ball didn't accurately portray the position of the mouse, but if you tighten the shooting wobble even more that obviously won't be a problem. I wrote that comment at 1:00 last night so I was a little scatterbrained xd
Also had problems starting the game today- half the time the menu buttons are unresponsive and I have to reload the page.
Feeling a lot better about this game than I did last night- keep up the good work!