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Omg is that FAT SHAMING JKs? alright, no

Well, it evry thing from Hot game and flips it.

It is not fun, it doesnt even work as a padory, not because its mechanic, but because of it doesnt tries to be its own game. Just think, mark, it litterally reminds me of the Justice League Flash scenes, the game could be as cinematic as Hot game, and still be a good padory, it just needs the right situations

Not sure if I fully understood your comment (English is not my first language). I can agree - the game needs its own situations and if I continue to work, I will need to come up with interesting situations. (I hope this was the meaning of this comment)


Yes, situations that adapt to Super Cold mechanics, not situations that adapt to Super Hot. Sorry, i love writing a lot and horribly!

I'd love to see how it progress! Good luck