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A member registered Apr 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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I really liked the graphics of the game.
The hit actions felt like game freeze, it's need some rework, I think.
Would be cool if I may destroy boxes and get something inside.


I hope they won't dominate us...


Yeah, you are totally right!


Yeah, base of camera movement we already have, so all we can do is just polish and improve it (and fix some buuugs)
As I mentioned it in comments before - "coyote time" was in plans but i totally forget it because of time.
Sorry for loud fan sounds :D


And sorry. Camera stuck is a known issue. It happens sometimes and I sure I know how fix this. So sadly you had this experience =(

Да ладно уже, игра забавная получилась =)

Floppa, bingus, pop-cat.
Эффекты немного перекручены как по мне, но игра заставила улыбнуться.


So sad here is no audio. I didn't complete the game but my friend - did it!

(2 edits)

I'm noob for this game. I found the attack little bit strange. But this maybe because usually I don't play this type of games.

"I made 1265 points on TachyCarnage. And you did not."

Didn't understood at start, but then realised how to play and it was fun! But this game is more chill for me. But this is not bad.

This is really fun game with a lot of juice. You may improve some visuals and it could be a good game.

Well done, I liked the music and the sphere shooting with beat. Also the theme of jam done well.


We tried to make a hard game so that's why it's hard and have not much checkpoints.


Yeah, they "coyote time" was in plans but I didn't have much time and forget about it. The pillars also can be more wider, that's cool.


Actually, you can change camera control for axis Y in the in-game settings! Have you seen it?

(1 edit)

Lol, why it's confusing, i'm sorry :D


Thanks for a feedback! Yes, it's hard to shoot, but aimed shooting makes you stop.

If not for the comments, I would not have learned about this character.

Thank you! I'm already thinking about new mechanics that could improve the gameplay. (In the original idea, time should not stop completely, although I will think about your remark)

Thanks! I just took a look at who Quicksilver was and realized that they (the character of X-men and the character of my game) have something in common!

Okay, i watched a scene from X-men and now i understand who is Quicksilver :D

That's fun we share the same mechanic about slowing time, but use it in diffent ways!

I read all text and i think storytelling is cool.

I thought is was a bug when i can roll underground, but it was real feature!

It was fun to play this game!

So hard to control this game, but overall it's good.
I had a bug with the music keep playing at spawn!

I like sounds. When music stops i can hear the scary environment sounds. Enemies are frightening (in good meaning).
Needs a settings button for sure.
Overall good "pinball survival"!

Please, next time name the game properly. :3 (Or atleast folder in archive) It was called "MuchUp Jam 2"

Cool monkeys, I really liked the idea. But this gameplay i don't like, sorry. No sounds, what is sad.
You know, it could be a cool game on mobile devices if you continue work on monkeys.

Reject humanity return to monke

Scrolling mechanic! Absolutely cool!
Fun slimey animations.
Only the lore question - why rabbits. And why they shooting with eyes? (or this is secret? :D)


I like the idea of "impossible levels". Maybe you can make more levels it would be cool.
For me adding a subtitles to a voicelines would be cool! (anyway i understood all phrases)

You guys made a good game! Visual are looking cool. The sounds - sounds (lol, what). Gameplay fits the theme. And i liked restriction of 3 bullets, cause at start i thinked: "Nah, i'm gonna spam bullets".

Maybe bullets can fly faster.

"I've won. But at what cost?"
It was fun to play. Nice idea, great realisation.

This is fully fits the theme!
One question is there any sounds?

Finally i have TIME to play games. In this game time goes slower. (Get it?)

Is it should be that music turns off after i hit normal/zen?
Like the idea, like the realisation!



I would like to continue working on the idea further and definitely fill the game with content! But for now i need to pass some exams...

What about quicksilver, you mean how quickly it spreads?

Thanks for a feedback! I think if I had not started participating in this jam, I would not have started making this game.

Thanks for a feedback!

Thanks for a feedback!

Thanks! Yes, if you don't know the time slowing mechanic game in the beginning it can be a little hard to accept.

(I don't have much time right now because of my studies, but I will definitely try!)

Thanks! I'm already thinking about new levels and ways to stop the player.