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This seems vary cool! Love the premise. I can't wait to see what it will be like in the future. :) I really enjoyed the amount of customization you have going on and the being able to put in your own words. In just the small part I played I really liked your writing as well. I really love text games so I don't mind that it has no visuals but I do wish there was a button to send me back to the beginning so I could play it over again.

I hope in the future when you do the personality and stuff you put in an option (so people can play blind if they want) which will show the player like <3 (a heart) after something to show that's a romantic thing for this character. I like when I don't feel pressured (like in otome and romance visual novels without a walk through) about getting a bad ending or something like that when i didn't want to with romance. I just always hate when I make a choice I think is a interesting personality choice for my character only to later find out that I don't have enough hearts or love for that romance option cause I missed one scene or love point or something. I am definitely look forward to it regardless of where you go with it though! :)

Thank you for the kind words!

I'm currently working on switching all my coding so it allows for more styling and it will also have a save slot system. I also shared that frustration when I was developing it so I completely understand!

I'll make sure to take into consideration your idea for the romance options. I have been going back and forth between having a system that is very obvious or one like Dragon Age that shows like a +5 after. If I don't implement it, would it be okay if I make a walk through that would be posted along with the future updates? I really don't want anyone to feel frustrated by the system I'm setting up, so even if I didn't make the options obvious, I wanted to give the players more than enough choices that could raise the affection level for NPCs. I don't plan on making it where you have to make the right decision every time.

I hope all of that made sense! I hope the new system will be better for you!

Yes! I think both ways you are thinking are totally doable without making it frustrating and a walkthrough is totally acceptable if you don’t show it :) When it comes to romance there are a lot of different ways to do it but making sure that you have enough moments to show your characters personality and moments that matter for the romance is always a balancing act lol

I know one of my favorite things in dragon age or other games similar is moments where the characters come to me with something they did to show how much they like the character I made or when they finally share something about themselves that make them vulnerable. 
I also love when (like in origins not in inquisition) you have more then one option that gives you points so that it still feels like you are you (with your own personality) and not just hit this one option to get love (like in inquisition). It’s not a bad system  to just have one choice or anything but since it sounds like you are looking to really get into customization having a choice that’s like:

Love internet is feeling down you 

1 hold them close and talk to them +5

2 silently stand by them to offer support +3

3 distract them by arguing with them -1 (but then later down the tree maybe they realize what you are doing and you get a +4 or something)

Ect. And having ones that don’t improve romance but do help you friendship. 

This is not a real scenario clearly but an example of some of the diversity to keep in mind for characters. If you’re going to let somebody be a silent type then make sure there are enough choices that are actions to get the rest of their personality across or if they are like anime tsundere then make sure you show that too where maybe an option has a brief negative effect but once the reason is revealed hit them with positive points. I’m not sure what kinds of personalities you are going for so I kinda picked hard ones to write for but being kind, happy, mean or whatever you pick to do should have at lest enough options to feel like a personality choice not just something you pick at the start. It doesn’t have to be every time but enough that a player is like I feel like this character has x personality and not just I wanted this character to have x personality but it feels more like there are only kind and mean options not x.

I really like the fact that you want so much customization but make sure you fallow through with each choice you give to players. I’m sure you will do well even if it’s not as crazy as what I’m suggesting because you seem really passionate about it. Sorry I got so off track I got excited by your suggestions for how you where thinking of doing it :) if you don’t show a heart or numbers next to an answer I totally think a walkthrough is fine as well. 😊

(1 edit)

I'll make sure to keep all of your suggestions in mind! I'm not quite sure which route I'll take with my game just yet, but I will make sure to do all I can to optimize player experience!