I must say, the strange sounds, unique style of graphics and disappearing anglerfish (?) all made this a strangely creepy experience. That's not bad, but probably not your intention. Either way, the gameplay appears to be just swimming deeper and deeper, and I wasn't able to capture any fish at all because they were too fast. Is there something I'm missing? I feel like you could explain the controls and the goal of the game better. Aside from that, I'll probably be the first to admit that slowly moving downwards by holding down a button isn't exactly riveting gameplay. I know I'm not supposed to be negative or discouraging, but seriosuly, fighting off my boredom was hard. The concept of a game is far less important than its execution and the fun you have with it. If you made the ship move faster, make it less floaty, increase the abundance of fish, make more gameplay, I expect people would give it higher ratings.
Viewing post in Neon of the dark Realm jam comments
You are totally right, we are missing an ingame tutorial, we added a video to the game page of how to catch a jellyfish to explain the mechanics you can see it here
thanks for all your feedback is not discoraging at all, I think the most important thing missing for us was a good tutorial and more variety of creatures, the catching minigames are the things that breaks the etherna boredome of just swimming around, we plan to keep working on the game adding content and more mechanics, thanks a lot for all the feedback is really appreciated!