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Really cool idea, and the art is so nice! I like the idea of growing plants to act as platforms, but I would have liked more control over where to grow as a lot of it felt a little random and it was quite hard to aim with the watering can. I don't know how many levels there were to this game but I would have liked more water and more seeds because I kept using them up too quickly haha. Good game!

Thank you for taking the time to play our game! I appreciate your feedback and will be making adjustments in the post voting period patch I am planning on implementing. The randomness was toned up a bit too much and was intended to be pseudo-random to give it a more plant-like feel. Kind of backfired. Level balance was tricky, I’ve come to realize that making the game easier is usually the better way to go.

Once again, thank you for the feedback, and for hosting the jam. It has been such a massive learning experience. Looking forward to participating in any future MashUp game jams!