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MashUp Games

A member registered Aug 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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You've taken a simple concept and added a lot to it. The art is quite well done, I liked the water rippling effect. Good choice on having a Vs. AI mode, made it more accessible to people rating.

Endless mode was maybe a bit too hard from the get-go, as you basically have to jump as soon as you press start to avoid being completely knocked off. Felt the kicking could have had more impact, maybe a sound effect and some particles when you land a kick. But good job overall!

Unique take on a fighting game. I think it would have been more fun if you were able to jump over each other though, and I'm not sure if the attacks did anything? We were a bit restricted to our sides of the screen and so it was mostly down to luck of the spawn on who won. But I can see potential, with more movement possibilities it could be a fun combination of combat and collection.

(1 edit)

Quite a lot to this game, the world is pretty big and there's many places to go. Does the toy attack using a microphone? If so I felt that could have been sold better with music notes sounding when you shoot them. I also think the world would have been better off with different walls? I don't know, they just didn't really match the floor to me or the rooms felt a little barren for a house.

The music in the background is great, though I would have liked a few more sound effects other than using the same sound for defeating every enemy. I did enjoy the microphone powerups, made it better to then advance through the tougher areas. Good work!

The opening cutscene was great! This game had a lot of character to it, and I'm always a sucker for hand-drawn art in games.

Reading the comments here, it seems a lot of people found it a bit difficult. I too am one of them, and think that there a couple of small things that could dramatically increase the readability of combat to make it easier without actually decreasing the challenge:

- have some visual effects on the dog's bark so the player can tell where the hitbox is on their attack, and be able to coordinate their attacks better

- give the burger's attack a little bit of visual warmup (i.e. preparing to jump), as then the players can read the burger's attacks better rather then mostly attack-and-dodge-away, and this will make the action more engaging

Also think the game would have benefitted from having more than one enemy type, but overall this game is a great entry with a lot of charm, I loved it!

Really nice turn-based game. Adorable characters and I liked that each cat had their own things they could do. I did get a little frustrated with the chief cat though as they would nearly always miss their shot unless the enemy was one tile ahead of them.

You should continue working on it, I think one or two more enemies and some polishing and quality-of-life changes would really benefit this game.

The idea behind this is really cool, I like the mechanic of both attacking enemies or building blocks with your hammer. Think this suffered a little bit from colliders, I found it too easy to get killed by the enemy even though they weren't near enough to hit me and I swung my hammer at them. You could easily do a lot with this concept if you continue working on it, and it would be great to give the hammer attack some more game feel (i.e. camera shake, particle effect) to really polish it out.

Pretty cool idea, definitely you could do more with it if you take it further. Apart from the firing being a little slow, I think the gameplay is pretty good. Didn't know there was the room on the left until the plant monsters nearly jumped me, also managed to close the door and locking myself in but I did willingly do that to myself. Could do with making the player movement quicker and more snappy so it's easier to get between rooms, but I guess that a bit of the fun.

Easily spent nearly half an hour playing this one. It was very difficult to get anywhere from the start, but once I had managed to get enough tadpoles the difficulty balanced out a little bit. Quite easy to play for a long time and managed to find somewhat of a tactic. Very well thought out central mechanic of bullets only damaging enemies after one bounce but then damaging you on two, I think this is what I struggled with at the beginning with only one tadpole but once I had a lot it became both easier and harder, like dancing with knives.

I don't know quite what the vending machine did with items having 10-100% values, I knew it did upgrades but I didn't quite understand. But the art and sfx in this was amazing too, and overall a nice game to play. Great work!

Very interesting game here, there's clearly been a lot of thought behind how the game plays. I think the rules would have been better explained in a more concise way, as having all your rules hidden behind lots of text in the "Hints" box I found a bit misleading. I also didn't know what the overall objective was other than "use villagers to collect shields to then place shields which is immune to fire", and I kept losing villagers to fire by holding down one button for 0.2 seconds too long.

Quite a unique idea here though, I had some fun playing it and can imagine it making a really great game if you continue to work on it. With games like these, it's better to assume everyone is idiots and doesn't want to read a lot of text haha. Good work!

Enjoyed the idea of protecting the forest by getting rid of the pollution, though think it may have been more fun to have a different method of doing that, i.e. have the player pour water over it rather than click it with your mouse. The totems were a nice touch, acted well as landmarks as though you've cleared the area.

Really well made game, my hand hurts a little now from all the spam-clicking. Loved the music too, though felt it was just missing some sound effects. But you really performed on this idle game, I love trains so the idea of a train in space that I get to manage definitely was fun for me. Good job!

Quite a good entry, I liked the artstyle and the overall relaxed feel of the game. Probably would have been better to block off the exits that just lead to infinite endlessness so the player doesn't lose themselves, and maybe a bit more direction? The game felt more like a casual game than an adventure game. If you work on this more, then I would focus on the parts where you were tasked with doing things or talking with certain characters could unlock new dialogues. Good game!

Very interesting idea, quite a melancholic direction. But it lacked depth (in the mechanics sense), the ghouls didn't really pose a threat and most of my time was waiting after I threw my bone for the dog to bring it back. The game was also pretty much over once I caught three of them as no more ghouls were appearing. I like the idea but think the game would be better with some more intuitive and quicker controls of directing the dog by throwing the bone. But I liked the art, keep working at it!

Very cool to have voice acting in a jam game. I did struggle a bit to figure out what I was doing, I think that was mostly because of the artstyle you chose for the game. Would have maybe been better with a bit more direction towards the player, and maybe more of a clear game narrative? As someone who doesn't know your OC I didn't really know what was going on.

I like the mechanic here, it's like you're hammering them into the world itself. But it feels a bit too unruly, I feel like most mechanics are a fun challenge when they are restricted in some way, but with this I could make as many hammers as I want. I wonder if you take this further what ways you can expand on this mechanic.

Nice concept, maybe it would be better executed if the bullets didn't shoot as fast. I got easily overwhelmed even on the first level with how fast the bullets were and ended up not being able to direct them properly at all. But I like the idea, and with the difficulty being tweaked I can see some potential here.

For a game that was made in 7 hours, there's quite a lot of effort put into the game feel, it's great! I really think you should take the time after the jam to work on it further and make it into a bigger game as I think a bigger game like this would work really well. The impact of hitting the hammer and the effects play really well together. Good work!

Played up until I unlocked all the weapons, found the shotgun to be my favourite weapon. Pretty good entry, nice twist on the defense genre and unique way of gathering materials. I did find the game to be a little repetitive after a while, but for a gamejam game that's to be expected, maybe I would have wanted to unlock the guns a little quicker. Nice job!

Nice attempt at tower defense, you did pretty well. I would say the game would have been better controlled with a fixed camera, as every time I wanted to select or place a tower the camera was always moving about. Also took a bit of time to adjust to the massive pixel size and distinguishing the entities from the background. But was a nice progression and ramp up in difficulty, nice work with quite a weird prompt mix!

Interesting prompts, you managed to somehow make them work together which isn't easy. Might have liked maybe more leaning into the rhythm by having the deoderants fall on beat like a DDR game, but was still fun and had its challenge.

Making an online game is quite ambitious for a gamejam, but if you are doing so I would highly recommend also having a bot to play against. I felt like I missed out on a large part of this game because I wasn't playing against anyone and ended up not being able to continue because I couldn't use any of my combat cards. But overall a very good game, well done!

Good example of taking a simple game mechanic like tilting a ball, and expanding on it with new twists and extra mechanics. Though I did find a couple levels a little repetitive, in this case it would have probably been better to have 12 unique levels than 20 a-bit-similar levels, but the execution was pretty well done on this entry.

What a unique game haha, interesting prompts to work with. Game was pretty solid, a bit too hard at times and the cheesestring mechanic could have been a bit quicker/more responsive, but apart from that this is a pretty good entry. Character was fun to play and the lava rising added a lot of challenge to the platforming. Well done!

I like the idea! Felt it could have been better executed though, think a higher pixel resolution would have served this game well. The mechanic of combining the pictures to match the passenger's destination is a very cool one, and I think it could be developed a bit further. Say, each slot on the passport relates to a part of the image i.e. background, foreground, decoration. Good entry though!

Ooh this was a fun but challenging one! Really liked that you could only see your enemies through the water's reflection. Wish their weapons weren't so long though, was quite difficult to deal damage without receiving damage but I soon got the hang of it. Maybe the difficulty scaling could have been a bit more fair? I ended up collecting all the wood and then plugging the holes as it seemed to get too difficult if I plugged the holes as I went. But most of this game was very well made, and I really enjoyed it. Nice work!

And you made Gun Mountain from the last game jam too?! I definitely can count on you to make a good game in my jams haha

Incredibly solid entry! Loved the many uses for the backpack and glad to see the gameplay was developed beyond its basic use as the game progressed. Really nice to see some clever level design mixed in there too.

The amount of polish in this entry is perfect, and I loved the little character's run animation mixed with slightly rotating its body. The sound was done very well, prominent but subtle enough to not be overbearing.

Easily one of my favourites from this jam, great work!

It certainly was chaotic! Could have added more friction to the truck and make it feel more like an out-of-control truck and less like a truck skating on ice, but was a fun and challenging game. Good work with the prompts!

Pretty fun platformer, easily conveyed and with a moderate amount of difficulty, though with the controls being a little bit slippy I think the game could have been a little more generous in some areas. My main point of criticisim is that the dangerous spikes / terrain blended in too well with the background to the point where I died at the first gap 5 times before I realised that I was dying to what I thought was the background.

Well done though, it's a pretty good entry!

Very fun idea, I really liked that you printed out your troops from printers. I think the visuals are a bit messy though, and the game could do with a bit more depth on the RTS part rather than just your troops move in two lines. Maybe the ability to position your troops?

This would be a really fun game with more work, especially if you go down the half-serious direction considering you are printing out troops as an octopus in an office. Good work!

Don't think I've played a Scratch game jam entry before. I think the game would have been better off sticking either to the keyboard controls or the mouse controls, as flicking between moving around or attacking dogs and turning it to nighttime or sleeping disconnected me a little bit. But regarding the limitations of Scratch this was a good achievement.

There is a lot of potential in this idea, but I didn't think this game jam entry sold it for me. Too much time was spent staring at the screen hoping the train would go faster, and the upgrades didn't hit the mark in being satisfying enough to wait for the next one. I love trains though, so if you were to improve the art, speed up the gameplay and develop the upgrades further than just the engine, then I would definitely play again.

The movement felt pretty good - not too floaty but still with a lot of mobility. Was quite short though, the gameplay lacked depth and I didn't know why I was fighting Godot pirates. If you continue working on this I would recommend leaning into the combat and maybe using the prompts you got more, I can imagine a pirate action game being quite a fun one.

Quite a challenging game, took me ages to get past the first room but then the other rooms felt a lot easier? If you make the weapons snappier, balance the difficulty, and flesh this idea out then it would make for a really cool game as I quite like the concept, good work!

I had no idea how to play or what to do, what idea did you have for this game?

Interesting rage game here, reminded me a lot of Sam Hogan's Stick With It, but with some differences. Though I couldn't get past the first icy platform jumps, though I know it is a rage game it is also a jam game, it's best in jams to make your games easy enough that people will be able to play a good amount of it. But overall, nice presentation and a good entry.

Fun little game that, even though the core mechanic is a bit simple, is quite charming and fun to play. Could do with some more depth in the gameplay sense, but the presentation was good. I quite liked the colours you used and the art. Well done!

This brings me back to the days when I was learning Python and tried making a test-based Pokemon fangame, and I see your humour is similar to mine back then too! Fun little game, though short it was I can tell you had fun in making this, well done!