Day 7:
Hello we are back! Sorry for missing a day, but now that just means we have two days worth of progress to talk about. I've been working on decorating rooms, cutscenes, and final touches to animations. Below I'll post a pic of a sweet new weapon meant to be wielded by our mystery main enemy.
Next a look at some particle systems I've been working on. They are the blue and green tear-drop shaped pieces floating around the menu scene below. I'll let you take a guess as to what they represent.
and finally a small sneak peak at a room post-decoration.
Hopefully I'll have time to spruce things up more but it's pretty much all cutscene work from here on out!
Our programmers have been continuing work for enemy AI both for our main boss and common enemy. Rohith and Steve integrated Huitzil's animations for movement and attacking, started preliminary work on scene transitions, and also began integrating the enemy animations. Rohith plans to continue scene transitions and integration of animations tomorrow. It's amazing to see my art and animations come to life - programming is really the backbone of any game dev project!
Finally, our composer, Ryken, worked on adding sfx to animations and continued on the dynamic music system he has set up. His sound tracks are sounding super nice! Wish I could share a little clip of it, but you're gonna have to wait and see ;).
That's all for now, see you tomorrow!
Team Twin Beaver