Hello, I'd like to thank you once more for running this project, it really is awesome!
Here are two little bugs I've had (I'm using windows10 / 64b):
- Mannequin won't run from itch.io, I need to open it manually. But this is not so important though.
- Some poses won't allow to change eyebrows. For example if I choose the "Both arm raised" pose, only "Neutral" eyebrows will be displayed no matter which type I select.
Just a little thing that could be easily fixed: when you close your only project file, the app ends. So you must open a new blank file before closing the last one if you want to keep working on a new project without needing to re-open Mannequin. Would it be possible to just being transfered to some menu page from where you can open a new file? I hope my explaination was clear enough... sorry for my bad English.