Thank you so much! And that's a fair criticism -that issue was by design and honestly I'm not sure it was the right design choice.
Originally everyone ran with a rng range speed of 2.7 to 3.2 -leaving a margin of error. The challenge to get 3 wrenches is to make your build as fail-safe as possible for the slower/faster ones. However, as RNG is known for lol, that meant that sometimes no one was slow and you could just hit play again and the level that was 23 out of 25 became 25/25 with no change from the player.
So my solution was to make them iterate from slow to fast each spawn between those min/max speeds so that failure and success was free of random chance. I'm thinking maybe it would feel more natural if that speed change was jumbled up throughout the group -but that is something I'm still debating -anyway, thank you again so much! :D