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My screen size code right now is pretty simple.

.: In CREATE Event :.

viewWidth = 1920 /4;

viewHeight = 1080/4;

windowScale = 4;

var horSize = viewWidth * windowScale;

var verSize = viewHeight * windowScale;


//then i set the surface size to the same values, 


And then lastly i center the window to the center of your screen. 

So there is no fullscreen mode when you start the game!

How small is your screen?

Mayeb i can add a "windowed size " property in that case where you have the options x1, x2, x3, x4 etc


My active screen's resolution is 1440 X 900. You code seem to default to 1920 X 1080. What I do for my games is I check the user's screen dimensions with "display_get_width" and adapt the screen accordingly (simplified code below) :

var dw = display_get_width();
if(dw >= 1920){ w= 1920; h= 1080;}
else if(dw >= 1280){ w= 1280; h= 720;}
else if(dw >= 640){ w= 640; h= 360;}

display_set_gui_size(1920, 1080);

Yeah I have thought about that but did not have that as a prio. Can implement that too. Thanks.