This was fantastic! I hope you do more with this, it really feels like an early version of something that I would definitely pay money for. I loved the mechanic of having your health, life, AND vision all be the same resource, it adds a level of tactical thought to what would ordinarily be pretty mundane decisions - I'll probably take some damage on traps getting to that big resource, after shooting to extract it will I have enough health left to get back out and get to the end? Ordinarily fire rate is the first thing I upgrade, but do I really want my itchy trigger finger spraying my health all over the walls? It was great!
I don't think I have any criticisms that you probably aren't already aware of and would have done something about had this not been done on a time crunch for a jam (enemies not being shot if they're too close, tough to shoot down from a ledge, UI design, that sort of thing), and quite honestly what you HAVE done as a single developer in a short time frame is pretty remarkable. I loved the weight of the character, the movement of the tail when jumping was on point. Congratulations, I hope you win!