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Lets agree to disagree on the stuff you have stated, i really have no energy to argue or anything like that with you or anyone else.  My real point was about the manchild mc and his almost incessant insults then coping out with he is sorry,  after so many chapters, its becoming aggrivating, as someone else pointed out above me,  he needs more wisdom and less stupidity in his pelican madness that's all.  

Infact  since iv'e continued on with chapters 10 -14 i have really got used to the way and sandra and her sisters behave much more than i did in previous chapters, maybe because i have actually grown fond of her and I understand the relationship she has with family and i am happy with that now, i really am, it took me a long time to get to this point, but i am there now.  sorry if you where personally insulted or anything, like i said it was never my intention and you where correct i was far too demanding of which i have apologized, i never meant for it to come across as aggressive or anything.