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This is a really well made game! There’s just a couple of small stuff that felt a bit off. The dash felt a little too abrupt, and it wasn’t always clear exactly which direction it went towards. Those little crystals that give you and extra dash were also a little difficult to see for me - it might help to have some more feedback on them, like a sound effect or a visual cue when you grab it. Same goes for the falling platforms - generally speaking, some more audio/visual cues for those kinda things would be super helpful imo. The walljumping and platforming felt a little off - have you looked into jumping mechanics like coyote time? Those would be really beneficial here I think. The combat also felt a little slow and clunky, would be nice to have faster attacks and maybe less health and/or knockback on the enemies.

These are just suggestions - I think this game was great overall, and I’d definitely play a longer and more refined version of it! You did a great job on this one, congrats on making this and I hope you keep working on it!

This helps a lot!

Thanks for the feedback!