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Thank you! I've cursed Mr.Loud many times for the constraints of his competition, but in reality I enjoyed every minute of the challenge ;)

wouldn't that be "Mr Bloke"? 😂  I think the constraints make it much more interesting, and counter-intuitively, "completable". 

Agreed! I'm addicted to this kind of competition and also to the BBC Micro Bot

This is my first and it worked really well for me. Before I didn't feel that I had the right skills (ie I thought that you 'have to know the tricks'), but then in the day job and hobby programming I like to be efficient (with 8-bit computers you have to be!)
Yes, I saw the invaders in a tweet - brilliant!

You're doing well and I hope you will join other competitions or just make them for fun. There's no coding in my day job so I'm always looking forward to it in my hobby 👍