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Hi StudioBlue, I think alot of the errors are coming from Mac users. I use a mac and when I installed the Game Jam link it downloaded, but wouldn't open. After working with the file a bit I found out that it is the PC version that is sent, so it throws alot of errors on Macs. Can a Mac version be included in a separate link?

Hey there and thanks for replying. Unfortunately, Nick from Komodo posted this earlier: "Hi, unfortunately we don't have a contest version for Mac." As Nick works for Komodo, I have to assume that is the official stance unless otherwise specified. Which means that you'll need to download and use the PC version. Obviously, Mac users cannot use the PC version. I've sent a message behind the scenes to try and determine why there is no Mac version of the contest version, and will update when I have an answer.

Hey there! I just verified that there will not be a Mac version of the Contest version of RMMZ. Sorry about that!

That is very disappointing. Could I create a game in one of the older RPG makers for the contest and import it into a trial version of RMMZ? I purchased RPG Maker MV in 2018 and hopefully could work on the story there and then transfer my work to MZ. Is there an import project function in the new version?

I do apologize, but the rules are very specific that the game has to be created, from start to finish, in RPG Maker MZ. Unless you can create the game in that engine, you won't be able to participate. I am very sorry. I wish that I could give you better news. :-(