I enjoyed the jam a lot and will probably attempt the next LudumDare for the first time. I had a really good time and didn't really have any problems, given that I had a teammate who did all the art (which I'm absolutely uncapable of doing). For the next time I'd really like to get someone to test my game so they can tell me what sucks and needs more attention.
For suggestions that really helped me, I could give these:
- Take the first couple hours for ideas and DON'T DO ANYTHING YET! Just collect ideas (Great tip: LITERALLY ANYTHING can give dieas).
- Dump ideas that you don't even know how to get started with and focus on those which you come up with more details for.
- Pick an idea that you like and are somewhat familiar with.
- If you get stuck on something that's not that important, leave it for later and come back to it when all the important stuff are done.
- GET SOMEONE TO TEST YOUR GAME (someone who's not participating in the jam)
If I could follow all of these I could make "the perfect game" (kinda) and I'll be sure to do so on my next jam.