(Lol thats what i would say and do lmao)
(also im not on a team with bladeSides)
You decide to start Live Streaming on bwitch (twitch.tv/lopmop123) It starts at 1 view then 30 then 100 then 100,000 then 100,000,000
You are a accomplished streamer playing a game you made called DigCraft, Not to be confused with MineShaft. As you end the stream you are 100,000 dollars richer because of all the donations you got. You are rich just from streaming! thats how you live in a mansion with all the latest tech gadgets and even... The Ipwn XD
Then suddenly it hits you. Your team will be called the 7 Grand Dad Revival team. You will make a meta game about 7 Grand Dad. This idea is so awesome you contact Jack Immediately.