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The Meta Game Jam Story (Forum-Based Crowdwriting Game, With Achievements!) Sticky Locked

A topic by Xavier Ekkel created Mar 26, 2018 Views: 1,577 Replies: 26
This topic was locked by Xavier Ekkel Mar 30, 2018
This topic is archived. It is unlisted and no new posts can be made.
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Host (3 edits) (+1)

Hi everyone!

In this forum thread, you (the public) will help to write a story together.
The story is about a team of game developers creating a game for Meta Game Jam (pretty meta, right?).


There is also a metagame on top of this storywriting game: by contributing to the story, you can also earn achievements! You can view the list of achievements here.
The Top 3 Players by Achievement Points will win game prizes!

This forum thread is ONLY FOR THE STORY!
For questions or discussion, please use the #the-meta-game-jam-story channel in our Discord server.
Please use 'New Reply' for each new story-contribution post! Irrelevant or rule-breaking posts will be deleted.
I will use specific post replies for achievement unlocks.

This could be a total disaster or a crazy masterpiece, but either way, building this story together will be a lot of fun!

Xavier Ekkel (the Meta Game Jam host!)

Host unlocked this topic
Host (1 edit)


My first step was to form a team, because forming a team means I will make a really awesome metagame, right? I wonder how I will find my teammates, and what roles they will have. And I wonder what their interesting, deep and well-written backstories will be.

  • Special Rules:
    • The previous poster must be referenced in your three sentences. If they haven't been introduced before, you must give them a backstory.
  • Goals:
    • Search for potential team members.
    • Learn about their backstories.
    • Decide on your team (max team size is 4!) and what roles each team member will have.

Note to first poster: the first character (previous poster) is you (not Xavier)!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

In order to find a team mate, I did what most of the people do. Go on to social media, because who has a real life nowadays? 

And oh boy, was I wrong.

Host (3 edits) (+1)

Achievements Unlocked: And So It Begins, Stage 1 Player, The Story Stopped for One Hour

I'll forgive the edit here because it's the first post, but remember not to edit your posts (delete and repost instead, to prevent the next poster from replying to an old version)!


It was as difficult as pronouncing Czechoslovakia, but the 'Google' helps everyone in that type of situation out there, perhaps in every situation.
I got some 48,40,000 results and I literally checked every relevant site, which is just the first page of Google.

Then one idea made me think that my mind works like shit, I mean why I didn't got that idea before; to browse for past game jams and contact their winners, if I got what it need to be then Hollah!!


Achievements Unlocked: Someone has Joined Your Party, Stage 1 Player, Long Form, The Story Stopped for One Hour, The Story Stopped for Two Hours, The Story Stopped for Four Hours, The Story Stopped for Eight Hours, The Story Stopped for Half a Day


It was high noon at Re-X's ol' Frontier Saloon. 

"Xavier!", I slammed my fist on the table with a rattle, "Better bring me another Sarsaparilla and keep em comin!" 

Without sheriff BladeSides on our dev team, we were in a heap o' trouble -suddenly, in walked the outlaw: Codey the Kid...


Achievements Unlocked: A Party of Three, Stage 1 Player, Long Form, The Story Stopped for One Hour, The Story Stopped for Two Hours, The Story Stopped for Four Hours, The Story Stopped for Eight Hours


"That's how 3 people with no social life decided to take part in the meta game jam; BladeSides: a programmer who believes in the fact that 'there are never too many variables', RE-X: A designer who believes that making multiplayer games is somehow the best way to win, and Codey the Kid: the musician who likes to be drunk while composing."

BladeSides decided that it was a "good" day to do what had to be done by him and to make a team, and so made a team on CrowdForge, which was shortly joined by the other two.

Could this be more confusing, or did I speak that too soon, and, most importantly, who am I anyways, narrating this tale?

Host (2 edits)

Achievements Unlocked: 4th Post, Long Form, Idiomatic


"First of all, I would like to thank BladeSides for telling me who I am but I want to tell you a fact about myself that 'I never make same mistake twice, I make it 5 or 6 times just to be sure' and I don't have the ability like yours to overuse variables recklessly because the 'brain' of mine is just like Bermuda triangle the information goes in and then never found again, umm especially when its microprocessor is overflowing with the variables; I told you all this since we are a team.

So Me, BladeSides and Codey the Kid were waiting in the lobby for one guy to join us and discussing our experience and thoughts; and in order to pass the time I ordered some pizzas from the Pizza Butt, you might not like the taste of it but BladeSides love 'em."
That's what RE-X said when I joined the team, believe me he has a good sense of humor, and, going by the looks of it, I think I'm about to be introduced to the story soon."

- The Fourth Member


You Sit in the middle of your office thinking "im gonna make a meta game for a game jam today! Who knows i might win again." so ideally you use your own site "" to see if a team is working on a meta game. Suprisingly, There is a lot. But one team seems special. Wait how is it special again? Oh i don't know.  Your name is LJ and you happen to know a lot about programming, Unity3D, GMS2, Java, JavaScript, Html5, and you love to make games! meta or not. You are still the most sarcastic Person you ever met. You have a fondness for Meta, survival, and Building games. and MST3K (which you consider the best show ever made)

You apply for it listing some random shit about you. With occasional sarcastic jokes. and a link to a rather Sarcastic episode of MST3K.

You look over the fact that you like pepsi more than coke (that gonna trigger at least one person at the team)

OH BOY TIME TO PLAY SOME COOKIE CLICKER! oh wait not now. You soon start waiting anxiously for one of the team members to reply.. You also apply on their CrowdForge too. 


Now, sitting at the desk, it's time to concentrate and focus 100% of your energy on building your game, without any distraction, in the perfect environment for working productively,

All of the sudden, the roommate storms in the room without notice, back from a GDC, entering your peaceful environment without notice, and bringing à group of friends along.

He also brought along you guess what, the perfect distraction and killer of productivity: a new game or movie? of course not, worst than that, a bag full of weed.

Looks like one of your users (jack Le Hamster) Has a friend who is  back from a GDC, entering his peaceful environment without notice, and bringing a group of friends along. He also brought along you guess what, the perfect distraction and killer of productivity: a new game or movie? of course not, worst than that, a bag full of weed.

Suddenly you decide to invite him to a Chat room on GameMetrics

-----------------------------------Initializing Game⚡Chat---------------------------

LJ has joined the room

LJ: hey if you are trying to work on a game i recommend To actually smoke the weed (I find it quite useful). it helps if you are using headphones to block  noise and listen to the soundtrack of your favorite game or movie. Anyways I would like to work on a game with you. Intrested? OK just reply


Seeing the amount of stuff BladeSides now had to deal with, he decided to go to his dad for his advice, who, like any other stereotypical dad, started narrating a childhood story.

"Why is everything black and white?" asked BladeSides, to which he got the reply that "Color hadn't been invented yet", and after telling his childhood story, he added that he should not be that worried because it's normal, but also suggested that he should probably stay away from those people; or, at the very least, force them to throw the bag away.


BladeSides was now worried, and so, in order to destroy all the weed before the game jam, smoked all the weed by himself in a day.

I was just browsing GameMetrics one day. until i found out that the founder/Developer of the site was gathering a team of experienced devs to participate in a Game Jam on

-------------------Initializing Game⚡Chat------------------

SSensations: Hello?


You sit and wait for an answer

WOO HOO! you finaly have some people on your team!

-----------------Joining  Game⚡Chat---------------

Lj: Heya


lj: Um yeah? soo...

SSensations: that... is... so... COOL!

Lj: wait a moment

------Lj set the type of chat to DEV--------


Initializing Dev Tools =============

Starting 3dShare ================

Starting CodeSpace ==============

Loading RepoShare by CodeSpace ===

Done! ========================


SSensations: Woah.


"A game you say?" ponders the friend who entered with the bag of weed, named Oozie, carressing his goatie and contemplating his options.

Oozie then decides to introduce his friend, brought back from GDC, an expert in sound design.

He also asks for a 50% cut on the money made from the game to buy some weed, which LJ agrees to, hoping that Oozie doesn't catch on the fact that $0 x 50% =$0.


"so apparently we has't m're memb'rs than the memb'r limit", bladesides did murmur to himself. 

  "in 'rd'r to chooseth the memb'rs, i believeth we shouldst showeth the examples of our previous w'rk. Thee can checketh mine own w'rk at", bladesides hath said

(LJ thats exactly what i would've say'd)

-----------------DEVCHAT 1.7----------------------

SSensations: ... Your working with somebody else to Right?

Lj: Yeah... Can't have  a two person Dev Team!

Lj: he is Jack Le Hamster He's having some ... Troubles with... Weed...

SSensations: Damn that holy Plant! Its the perfect Productivity Killer!

(btw im not on a team with blade sides)

----------Lj Uploaded a .txt file thru CodeSpace Named: How to Deal With Weed----------------------

----------Lj Sent file to Member Jack Le Hamster--------------------------------------------------------------

SSensations: hey i... have to go...

Lj: ok don't sweat it!

-------------SSensations has went to room "AFK"---------------

Jack Le Hamster: So my friend wants to... get 50% of the profits is it ok? (our game is 0$)

Lj; Sure just dont tell him its free!


You are Currently baking for your 6 year old who's coming home from school! Because whats better than a fresh piece of your special chocolate cake that looks like a PB J Sandwich After School?


(Lol thats what i would say and do lmao)

(also im not on a team with bladeSides)

You decide to start Live Streaming on bwitch ( It starts at 1 view then 30 then 100 then 100,000 then 100,000,000

You are a accomplished streamer playing a game you made called DigCraft, Not to be confused with MineShaft. As you end the stream you are 100,000 dollars richer because of all the donations you got. You are rich just from streaming! thats how you live in a mansion with all the latest tech gadgets and even... The Ipwn XD


Then suddenly it hits you. Your team will be called the 7 Grand Dad Revival team. You will make a meta game about 7 Grand Dad. This idea is so awesome you contact Jack Immediately. 


Hence we got our 2 (I know its only 1.5) so-called teams,

so lets brighten up the stage two with some unrealistic beams.

And I know this is a really weird rhyming scheme,

but bro LJ, you could crush your favorite game's dream

or continue making money from '' stream.

So the battle begins between 'Stoners'

vs 'Loners'.

SSensations realizes how much money you get per day, OMG WE could make A really High Quality Game. Anyways you decide to make some theme music for "7 grAnd dAd The Return" You end up with this: 

Not too bad, OMFG ITS AMAZING. You only did this to calm you down. What a nice day, You decide to invite the 7GDTR to a nice lunch at SSensations Bakery/Top Secret Development Lounge. No that's actually what she called it. Why?

"Whohoo, heard that J?, we're going to make some dough", says Oozie while dancing the Macarena.

Regaining conscienceness after not smoking for 15 min, J realizes he just wanted to relax with Oozie and did not sign up to do more work, jumps out the window emmiting a Wilhelm scream.

"Oh no! J jumped out and plunged to his death", exclaimed Oozie, forgetting that they were standing on the first floor, and becoming now in charge of doing design despite having no experience and being slightly high.

You start Spamming jack. why aren't you here already? None the less you and SS start  Making plans for The new sprites. instead of the bootleg Grand Dad you decide to... make a sprite that ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE THE ONE ON THE TITLE! Luckily you have a professional Sprite Designer (SS) to help. 

"What is taking him so long?" Said lj "Well i dont know, Maybe he is to high?"said SS "probably." 


She loves the cake!

In other news, the way you decide who is on the team is by putting a poll on this forum post!

Deleted 6 years ago

Story has gone a bit off-track, and I don't have time to check it properly until Sunday, so I'm locking it until Sunday and will move it to Stage 2 then after a summary.

Host locked this topic
Host archived this topic