Day 4: HEAT
The heat really sapped the energy from me at work, so I didn't get any art assets done. I was able to bang out about 2 'events' in writing however. Tomorrow seems like it'll be another hot day, so there will be more writing and possibly a start in Ren''py.
A snippet of an introduction to the first location you travel to, after the introductory segments:
Here you can see how your mountains have stolen the clouds from this sky. A vast expanse of blue, almost endless, and without a wisp. Beneath your wings, you see grasslands, with copses of thick-bodied trees with wax-covered leaves. Sometimes you catch sight of herds in the distance.
This is Verdan, and its cities lie to the west, close, but not too close, to the capricious rivers that flow from high peaks. But that is not your destination, and the deities who lie there are not the ones your path will bring you to.
The path you’d chosen leads you north, where the lush green grasses grow yellow and red under the sun’s wakeful eye. Towards a compound that sprawls across the landscape, even peppering the sides of the neighboring mountain. Bound by low walls that only seem to note its boundaries instead of keeping anything out, the Indolent Sun’s Archives welcomes you.