Sess 1
Got a fat belly dropping jump made. I like that but Ima need to redo the left and right movement cause its really ugly
The left and right are handled by GetAxisRaw for now. I will want to make them better later..
the Jump uses Rigidbody velocity with high gravity settings, giving a nice jump
Made some projectiles to dodge, in the form of fake news, Well Fake for now cause I just wanted to make the prefab b4 adding variation.
I just have a coroutine that runes every 0.1 seconds moving the object suppper slowly
Annnnd to spawn I'm just instantiating a prefab on the right side of the screen
OH also there's a collider on the left side of the screen to kill the prefab cause why not
Looks like this so far. No mob yet ;(
Have to decide if I want to make the levels or just make it an endless runner...