for a minute I thought this might only be touhou-themed sokoban but then the bullet mechanics came out and the puzzles turned really interesting?? (the only level I wasn't able to solve was sakuya's first one; quite enjoyed figuring out tenshi and sakuya 2 levels)
miscellaneous thoughts in no particular order:
- slightly unintuitive to start game/navigate UI (attempted clicking Start Game at first only for nothing to happen; expected dialogue to progress with Z but it turned out to be left/right - being able to go backwards in dialogue is nice though); also didn't realize talking to Kisume was necessary to start levels until went to download instead of playing web version and saw the instruction there; in windows version - thought orange text on main menu meant "selected" and accidentally quit a couple times before figuring out white text was what was selected
- dialogue before/after/between every level is nice (hehe tsundere patchy)
- art is pretty high detail for a jam game which is cool
- remilia used Strongest Attack, DANMAKU IN TIGHT HALLWAYS (also remi x kisume huh. well then)