This one felt a bit empty to me, yes moving the stones to the correct spot provided at least something of a challenge and the single move at a time I think makes a but more sense with the random movement of the stones. But for me the connection to mythology didn't seem obvious until I did some googling myself. I admit I'm unfamiliar with Chinese mythology so I hadn't heard of Nuwa before, but I find learning about different mythologies to be really cool. Unfortunately I feel like I somehow know less about it than before.
I'm assuming the myth is fairly common knowledge to anyone who grew up with or has otherwise been exposed to it but I guess that doesn't include me. It would have been nice to have maybe a couple paragraphs explaining what was happening and just provide a bit more context generally.
There's no audio sadly, I think even just some general UI sounds when picking up and dropping stones could've added some nice flair to the gameplay.
While it wasn't immediately obvious to me what the dashed lines around the player and "sky" were, I caught on pretty quickly that it indicated the trigger range for detecting a stone within reach. I actually think that's a nice touch, if a bit blunt. I find it can be hard to judge in games if something is within range of triggering an event so it was nice to be given some hint.
I personally like that you can grab all the stones at once, I found it easier to just grab all of them and then bring them back instead of doing one at a time and risk the stones moving out of the sky square.
Not bad!