day 3
Well I have class today so I'm doubtful I'll get much done.
Short term goals look like this
- S drops you from cloud
- finish cloud functionality so I could make it into a prefab
- Make my isGrounded() method work
- manipulate player rigidbody gravity to make better jump feel
- make background art and give it parallax motion
Day 3.1
Is grounded() works now.I drew a raycast from the center of Trump down to slightly below his sprite and checked if its colliding with the ground or a cloud.
Going to work on this for now.
- S drops you from cloud
- finish cloud functionality so I could make it into a prefab
Make my isGrounded() method workNEW: add jump animation
gotta remember to this eventually
- manipulate player rigidbody gravity to make better jump feel
- make background art and give it parallax motion
Day 3.15 lol
added the jump , but i think Im going to need a dropping animation which means i need to tie the animation to my Y position