Oh man, the changes between DD38 and DD39 are a huge improvement!
On a technical side:
- When I picked the platformer controls (left/right for both movement and rotation), I couldn't rotate at all. I had to change controls to rotate with up/down instead.
- There are some places where the ground has odd lines of grass coming from below. You can even see it in one of the gifs attached to the demo day submission!
On game design side:
- Fucking A+ level design improvements. You pulled off the Sonic style of intertwining paths pretty well. When I missed a spring or a booster, I could keep going anyway, just with less food to take. The ranger section was particularly nice, with an open area and multiple directions to go to
- Rocket boost is a really fun power-up. It's appropriately unwieldy, but it feels good to fly through the level. I hope you're planning to hide powerups throughout all levels, I would love to search for them; They're a great exploration reward
- With that said, Suburbia level felt less polished, like it was a tutorial for the rocket boost. I could fly anywhere I wanted, but there was nothing for me to find in the sky (or I missed it?). It's an unfinished level anyway so no big deal. I'm glad it's not a back and forth with buttons anyway
- The game doesn't really have a lose condition (at least not one that could reasonably happen), what are your plans to add some challenge to the game? Will there be more threatening enemies in the future, or something like Sonic's rank system dependent on your speed and score? As of now, replayability is a bit low, but again, it's just a demo so no biggie
And one more amusing thing - it's possible to go over the end of level wall in suburbia, because rocket boost recharges when you touch the wall when standing vertically.
Excellent job, will definitely check it out in 2 months