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I really really like the art style of that's game and also the story but you shouldn't talk like that's about communism.... I am joking it's your game do what's you want it was funny and I am happy and hope you are happy too oh and I don't know who I prefer between Emily or Lena they both so damn CUTE.


I'd prefer they not bring up politics at all in porn games. That's really not what anyone is looking for.


Depending on how far you look into things, a lot of games that don't try to be political are very political. Skyrim has huge themes of racism, social class, crime, freedom/government. Anyway, none of that really matters. You're entitled to your opinion just much as the creator is to theirs.


Do you prefer they don't bring up politics or do you prefer they don't make jokes that oppose your viewpoint? 

I think you already know the answer to that lol.


Thing is, it's actually funny, because she isn't actually spouting communism, she's got some mishmash of a cartoon version of communism, mixed with fascism, anti-statism, and conspiracy theories.  It's actually amazing that she's capable of avoiding the cognitive dissonance of that many contradictory beliefs.


True but to be fair, communism has never and will never work

(2 edits) (+1)

Well it's not like the girl in the game actually understands what communism is, LOL (Collective or public ownership of the means of production and the end of class structure and the state).

The purple haired girl is also cute