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A member registered Jul 03, 2021

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(1 edit)

Really love that's game almost all characters are cute as heck but I personally love Kana or Lily or Hatsume (Shinoni baby girl OwO) oh and I am really excited about having more authority in school is it for soon or should we wait a bit? + honestly I love the fact we can be a more cruel person with some people but kind with other and not a full goody goody or full evil it's really refreshing that's we can interact how we want for example I love being kind to the first Shinoni Hatsume but really mean with the second one (forgot her name)... I was wondering (I didn't reach end yet) if our hero will become more and more corrupted and cruel/evil or we just can do some mean action but can't become a total evil (the number of time I tried to shatter people is incalculable 馃槀).

Sorry for the long text and thanks you for the game.

I really really like the art style of that's game and also the story but you shouldn't talk like that's about communism.... I am joking it's your game do what's you want it was funny and I am happy and hope you are happy too oh and I don't know who I prefer between Emily or Lena they both so damn CUTE.