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Boxing Out!:

2D Platforming game:A game about a little box

I would like feedback on:Everything!

Deleted 3 years ago

Guessing this is a very rough draft, but has potential! Keep going! This is what I found : 

  • Enemy stuck in ground...?
    • Or maybe that was just his bullets?
  • Coins didn't start with collision so you can walk through them
  • Single Player button didn't work - level  select just took me to a level
  • on death I turn into a RIP that can still shoot and move for awhile. 
    • Respawn isn't working, 
  • Escape key does nothing to bring up a menu

I fixed all of that and the Escape key will take you back to the menu

When I download the .exe file, google chrome won't let me open it or do anything with it, because it could be virus. (I don't know if that's only for me.)