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A member registered Aug 16, 2019

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R to restart the level!! Incase you end up falling infinitely.....

We submitted! But we forgot some authors.

Can we edit and add that? OR does that disqualify it now?

Oooooo I LOVE this concept. 

  • Wish I could full screen, everything is too small. I want everything bigger!!!
  • Add a grid system of sorts that you can see and maybe it highlights before you place them?
    • I was trying to make a nice little maze for them to go through and I can't draw a straight line to save my life
  • Walls don't do what I'd think. I figure they'd go around the walls so I could funnel them where I wanted. Nope - they just eat through them.
    • Maybe ONLY eat through walls if they have no viable path?
  • I guess things heave health because they die? Health bars would be nice. 
    • In most tower defense games I've played things don't get attacked unless enemies don't have a way through.
  • So I use a bunch of towers, and they're weaker because of it, but when they die I don't get them back?
  • A countdown of when the wave will come. And a GO NOW button
  • Audio Sliders
    • Like 80'% of it is silence then it JUMPS in audio really quick. Basically anything under 50% is unhearable
  • Soundtrack - I really do like this!
  • Mouse Sensitivity
    • Oh please give a slider I had to go out and adjust mine to be able to play this.
  • Main Screen
    • All buttons start the game (settings and creds)
  • Gameplay
    • Reminds me of PORTAL! Sadly I didn't get far due to the aesthetics
  • Aesthetic
    • I dunno if it was the FOV or the bright lights mixed with the high sensitivity. I just got a headsache and couldn't continue. Might just be me.
  • Perhaps add a variable jump? Depending on the amount of jump pressed you jump a different amount.
  • It feels TOO fast. I'd say slow it down a bit.
  • And when ya slow it down, make his jump less floaty.

Overall though, this has some great potential!

  • Camera is a big nauseating.  Maybe make the camera move ONLY if you got out side of a certain Y space - and do it a tad slower. Each jump right now the camera is just bouncing around.
  • Change jump height based on how long button is held. I tap the button you only jump a little, I hold and I get FULL jump. That way I can make the tiny jumps easier.
  • Change the hit boxes on your landing places so things feel a tad more forgiveable. Here's me standing on an edge becuase of how the hitboxes are set up.

becuase of these hitboxes some of the jumps feel bad and impossible. For example jumping from underneath to something above.

  • Level Design
    • I was a tad confused. I assumed it was just a "GO RIGHT" game like Sonic the Hedgehog. End goal is to just go right. Which I did and I ended up on level 3? ({Jungle level?))
    • Sadly I can't say much on this - I'm struggling with level design too.

Feels weird having to go through a paywall for a Community First Game Jam......

  • Coin Slider Game
    • The random spamming of coins to start doesn't really work out well.... The coins don't line up nicely as you'd see in an arcade, etc.
    • The physics on the coins is wrong. But not not heavy enough, not a steep enough angle to start, or the friction too high. They all just get stuck up on the first slant
    • What are the phone buttons doing? Bottom left bottom right thingies....
    • Coin Spamming should probably be removed.
  • Slots
    • Holy seizure warning batman..... the speed at which they spin and the colours....
    • Also I have no idea if I win or lose. Sure a sound would be nice, but even just looking at the colours that come up. Seems to be random gradiants of colours.
  • Plachinko Machine
    • I had coins going every which way. Almost need to put a glass barrier around it so they don't fall out.
    • Also had coins clipping through the pushers.
    • Pegs are hard to see with the background image.

Guessing this is a very rough draft, but has potential! Keep going! This is what I found : 

  • Enemy stuck in ground...?
    • Or maybe that was just his bullets?
  • Coins didn't start with collision so you can walk through them
  • Single Player button didn't work - level  select just took me to a level
  • on death I turn into a RIP that can still shoot and move for awhile. 
    • Respawn isn't working, 
  • Escape key does nothing to bring up a menu
  • Add an indicator for when I can fire again. The AWP fire rate is slow and I don't know when I can fire again, so I don't know when to peak and line up my shot.
  • You can't shoot through coins....?
  • Blackwall on pistol level at the beginning can be shot through..... .yet coins can't.
  • Moving platforms don't move you when you stand on them.
  • Moving platforms push you around when you are under them - like there isn't enough room between it and the floor
  • Main square is very jittery.....