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It is a good start. The English grammar is a bit off, but I like the narrator. I think it cool that the player is telekinetic. Maybe make it so that players can control the small enemies too? With some resistance of course. Also, the final level is very very long. When you die, having to restart at the beginning is very annoying. The upgrades are very cheap, it is super easy to get that much money, maybe make it so they are more expensive? Or so that the individual coins are worth less "coin"


Thanks for playing, english grammar in the game ins't really good, because I'm from Europe country where not everyone speak english, and our schools don't care about english that much. Also thanks for the suggestion about controlling mini enemies, I'll try to implement it soon. Now the final level is very long because it's infinite. I should say this somewhere in the game. About upgrades: I'll make upgrades more expensive, if you have some idea for prices of upgrades let me know. Thanks for the review.