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(2 edits) (+2)


2D shooter game, with a lot of squares i guess. (haven't really decided for any self-explanatory description yet),

I'd like feedback on: glitches, errors etc. I'm trying to fix every single problem so game will be completly playable. Also, there are development buttons in game, to add coins, reset levels, reset upgrades etc. just to test the game, so you can use it. (in full release this won't be there)

It is a good start. The English grammar is a bit off, but I like the narrator. I think it cool that the player is telekinetic. Maybe make it so that players can control the small enemies too? With some resistance of course. Also, the final level is very very long. When you die, having to restart at the beginning is very annoying. The upgrades are very cheap, it is super easy to get that much money, maybe make it so they are more expensive? Or so that the individual coins are worth less "coin"


Thanks for playing, english grammar in the game ins't really good, because I'm from Europe country where not everyone speak english, and our schools don't care about english that much. Also thanks for the suggestion about controlling mini enemies, I'll try to implement it soon. Now the final level is very long because it's infinite. I should say this somewhere in the game. About upgrades: I'll make upgrades more expensive, if you have some idea for prices of upgrades let me know. Thanks for the review.

I like the premise and the shooting mechanics. The camera and the main character shake a little bit too much when you move and it is a little bit annoying not being able to shoot the enemies through the coins. Really nice progress.

Thanks so much for playing the game. Why the player shakes when moving? That's because I'm moving character changing his position, not adding velocity to Rigidbody2D, i tried doing that, but it didn't really work out for my game, and now it feels more normal, as the game is not physics based. Also the coins and shooting through them, will be fixed. Thanks for review!

  • Add an indicator for when I can fire again. The AWP fire rate is slow and I don't know when I can fire again, so I don't know when to peak and line up my shot.
  • You can't shoot through coins....?
  • Blackwall on pistol level at the beginning can be shot through..... .yet coins can't.
  • Moving platforms don't move you when you stand on them.
  • Moving platforms push you around when you are under them - like there isn't enough room between it and the floor
  • Main square is very jittery.....

Thanks for playing the game, the indicator to fire again is perfect idea that game needed, thanks a lot for that suggestion. AWP fire rate is slow, but I'll make it more. The glitch when you can't shoot through coins will be fixed. Some bullets can go through the walls, mostly because unity isn't detecting collissions at that high speed, there's nothing I can do about it, that's the one glitch I know of, but I tried everyting, and nothing changed. Moving platforms don't move you because when yes, it's too easy since you don't need to moving, you just stand and the platforms go with you, so I changed it. Thanks for reporting the glitch with moving platforms pushing you to the floor, I already quickly fixed it. And about the main jittery square, I explained why it's how it is in other report. Thanks for perfect organized review.

Thanks everyone for reporting glitches or suggesting new features.