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(1 edit)

Free Time Arcade:

Physics gambling/timesink games: A group of free time spending, gambling themed games.

I'd like feedback on: Any feedback is appreciated! I've only packaged for windows not sure and have no way to test Linux or Apple packaging. All but the slot machine are weighted to winning so you can always get credits.

Feels weird having to go through a paywall for a Community First Game Jam......

  • Coin Slider Game
    • The random spamming of coins to start doesn't really work out well.... The coins don't line up nicely as you'd see in an arcade, etc.
    • The physics on the coins is wrong. But not not heavy enough, not a steep enough angle to start, or the friction too high. They all just get stuck up on the first slant
    • What are the phone buttons doing? Bottom left bottom right thingies....
    • Coin Spamming should probably be removed.
  • Slots
    • Holy seizure warning batman..... the speed at which they spin and the colours....
    • Also I have no idea if I win or lose. Sure a sound would be nice, but even just looking at the colours that come up. Seems to be random gradiants of colours.
  • Plachinko Machine
    • I had coins going every which way. Almost need to put a glass barrier around it so they don't fall out.
    • Also had coins clipping through the pushers.
    • Pegs are hard to see with the background image.
Deleted 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I did find where to click to hopefully turn the paywall thing off

I have updated the version to v1.1 with many of your suggestions, observations and posted the DevLog here: