- Camera is a big nauseating. Maybe make the camera move ONLY if you got out side of a certain Y space - and do it a tad slower. Each jump right now the camera is just bouncing around.
- Change jump height based on how long button is held. I tap the button you only jump a little, I hold and I get FULL jump. That way I can make the tiny jumps easier.
- Change the hit boxes on your landing places so things feel a tad more forgiveable. Here's me standing on an edge becuase of how the hitboxes are set up.
becuase of these hitboxes some of the jumps feel bad and impossible. For example jumping from underneath to something above.
- Level Design
- I was a tad confused. I assumed it was just a "GO RIGHT" game like Sonic the Hedgehog. End goal is to just go right. Which I did and I ended up on level 3? ({Jungle level?))
- Sadly I can't say much on this - I'm struggling with level design too.