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For my team, the biggest challenge was making the translation gender neutral in French, since the source text was neutral as well. That was really hard, but hey, we decided to add this extra challenge ourselves xD

We found the "approaches" rather easy, we agreed on most of them quickly, except "flashy" and "forceful". Flashy was definitely the hardest one, because we had to find something that would work as an adjective and a noun. My favourite proposition was "tape-à-l'oeil" but unfortunately it didn't work as a noun, so we went with "exubérant". Sometimes, you have to kill your darlings :(

For "trouble", we went with "un mal" (literally a fancy way to say "something bad"), but now I'm kinda jealous of Alain's "misfortune" X)

For "high concept" we went with "concept clé" (key concept) which we all liked a lot.

However we REALLY struggle with how to translate "aspect", especially since, in the source text, it sometimes looked like they used the word "aspect" even when they weren't talking about the actual game mechanism? In the end we decided to use "attribut" (roughly "characteristic")

The time jump was pretty easy because we studied how to deal with them in class, we switched to the present (after making sure they were still available on the website) :) But I didn't know about the app!!