Thanks so much, there's some really good points here! I noticed that input thing after I uploaded the game, it bugged me a lot. I'm not sure how I didn't notice while I was developing xD It's definitely on the list of things to fix along with including better input options in general, better in-game instructions are coming too. I might be able to include upward/downward shooting, I'll definitely be thinking about it and experimenting. I could always change the input for reload to make it possible. Imagine shooting downward while hovering, that would be wild! As for the whip, I definitely want to include more moves. I have some ideas, but I think it will take a lot of experimenting. I'll keep the invincibility frames in mind when I get back to the vampire. For now I'm working toward making an official demo that will be the beginning of the game up to the first boss (who is something other than the vampire, but keeping it a secret for now ;D). The vampire will be picked up on later, and I plan to change him up a lot. I've never heard of coyote jumps before, I looked into it and that is a really great idea! I'll definitely be trying out coyote jumps and buffer jumps to see how that feels in the game, thank you for bringing that to my attention. As for lore, there is definitely lore in the works. I got the basic story planned out, and some really good ideas for the world. During the game jam I just threw in anything and everything I could think of (the sunflowers come to mind lol). But as I continue I'm thinking the world will take on more of a futuristic gothic horror vibe. Thanks again for all the great feedback!