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I'm not the author but completed this lately. You are on the right track. It might just be a matter of "guessing the verb", otherwise, perhaps you need to sleep once more before doing what you are trying to.

Here are some commands I used (rot13):

>trg tnf sebz oneebj   (V pna'g ubyq gur tnfbyvar, vg'f gbb urnil sbe zr. V qebc vg.)

>qebc nyy

>trg tnf    (V abj unir gur tnf)

>ghea pnc   (gb bcra gur tnf)

>cbhe tnf va jryy

V qba'g erzrzore vs V jnf noyr gb pneel gur yvg orfbz gbtrgure jvgu gur tnf, vs abg, whfg qb gur nobir svefg, gura yvtug gur orfbz naq:

>guebj orfbz va jryy

I hope this works :)  

It did, thanks.  What tripped me up was that the game said that the oneery pbhyq abg or rzcgvrq, so I had placed gur oneery va gur pnir.


Thanks for trying it guys and well done for figuring out the solution! (I will make a point to do a future code or text change to attend to the misunderstanding that Mr Patient experienced)