Very cool, incredibly meta game. I didn't even know you were able to do half of the things this game did to my computer.
I loved the mouse cursor platformer section, low key blew my mind.
I did get stuck on the screen dragging section and ended up losing the game screen somewhere outside of my window and couldn't use any of the standard windows techniques to get it back so I had to start again.
Also I go stuck for a while when your screen goes entirely black and from pressing random buttons I ended up pressing f3 which appears to be a legacy debug mode still in the game which ended up crashing it and I was stuck without a background or task bar until I could get back to that section and beat it. Any issues had their annoyance magnified due to the temporary damage the game caused to my system.
I would have preferred a clearer ending, I had to check the walkthrough on your channel to check if I was actually done.
All in all an incredible experience, very mind blowing and a lot of fun.