Thanks for the response!
I have done what was suggested and started a new project with the demo files. Unfortunately, I am still having the same issue with the list not appearing on the left side. I don't have any other plugins on this test project, aside from the Community Basics and the Waypoints plugin. Also, I noticed a .json file for Map004 and have created 4 maps in total on my test project; the first 3 maps auto-filled themselves in after importing the demo files and restarting RPG Maker, but the 4th one remained (and still remains) blank. The CommonEvents .json seems to possibly not be loading, either, as there are no common events (if they were included) when I opened the project. I'm not sure whether this is a bug or not but thought I should mention these as well.
Thank you for your help; I'm looking forward to getting it implemented into my game, it will make things a lot easier and it's definitely more appealing to go through the menu than trying to use items, eventing, etc. 😁 Please let me know if you need any additional information or screenshots.