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beat it in around 20 minutes, with breaks to type feedback. pretty solid gameplay, harkens back to flash SMB
- can't tell if this is a coom game or not, your other game seems like you were programming it left-handed
- you claim to have no handicaps yet the player's head is invulnerable, and seems required to beat room 3. i wasn't expecting it
- took me almost 100 tries to get past room 3 because I forgot you couldn't hold a direction to wall-jump
- moving platform positions should reset when a room restarts, it makes runs feel bad if you have to stand and do nothing while waiting for a platform
- odd that it polls for inputs when the window isn't focused, i can hear the character jumping around and dying as I type this
- braking on ice while dash sliding is a good mechanic
- if you start a super jump against a wall, you can only walljump at the peak of the jump

i'm still on the fence about whether I think you should add the standard handicaps, but you should add a few frames of a jump buffer for sure. also the walljump bug sucks. 

(1 edit) (+1)

- "can't tell if this is a coom game or not, your other game seems like you were programming it left-handed"
It has a suggestive theme but contains no nudity whatsoever. I have considered changing the character design to something less coombait.

- "you claim to have no handicaps yet the player's head is invulnerable, and seems required to beat room 3. i wasn't expecting it"
I'm not following it through???
If you mean that Walljump without holding direction key has different collision mask from Walljumping when holding a direction then you are wrong, both sprites share the same collision mask. The difference is that Walljumping without holding a direction clears longer distance whereas holding the direction against the wall was supposed to be a last minute wall jump cancel.
When standing the player is 2 blocks tall. If ducking 1 block tall. Only the bunny ears do not have collision.
Spikes however have smaller collision masks to make the game slightly less pixel perfect.

- "took me almost 100 tries to get past room 3 because I forgot you couldn't hold a direction to wall-jump"
That is something that I never saw as a problem but since everyone is getting confused about it, I plan on changing how it works in the future.

- "moving platform positions should reset when a room restarts, it makes runs feel bad if you have to stand and do nothing while waiting for a platform"
I never liked the idea of resetting obstacles on death but I'll consider it since I've already applied those changes to tother obstacles

- "odd that it polls for inputs when the window isn't focused, i can hear the character jumping around and dying as I type this"
Some inputs (WASD and arrow keys) are coded as direct inputs to allow the player holding keys between rooms without having to having to pressing them again everytime they enter a room. This is the reason why despite being tabbed out the inputs still get registered in the game.
The game starts out of focus, i do not know how to fix this.

- "if you start a super jump against a wall, you can only walljump at the peak of the jump"
The possibility to wall jump only starts taking effect once the player enters falling state. You will see the character slide on the wall when you can walljump.
This is intended to prevent early erratic and unwanted walljumps if the player decides to spam jump near a wall or snapping the player to the wall and force them to slide down early before reaching a jumps max height.
The same applies to normal jump.

Thank you for playing and prodiving feedback.

Sure thing. Sorry if the initial feedback seemed harsh, I did enjoy it once I got into the rhythm of things.

For the collision thing, I tried to embed the image originally but it didn't work. This one should though. I didn't realize you could do this and was walljumping way too late.

The walljump sliding thing makes sense though, that's good to know.

I don't mind harsh feedback. Its always a constructive

When falling and jumping the player adopts the same collision mask as ducking. This was a fix to a problem where the player was getting stuck on ceilings and walls if doing power jumps because to perform a power jump the player would go from duck collision mask to standing collision mask thus jutting its collision mask inside walls. In that case you are correct, the collision mask of falling state does not envelop the head. Only from the neck down.
Also, the spikes have a smaller collision mask. If the spikes had a precise collision mask the game would be literally unbeatable.