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I know that pain! I know it well!! too well... up until I had my first boy there would be cycles when I would cramp so bad my family damn near sent me to the ER, or if it wasn't cripling I'd be in a terrible mood, and nobody wanted to be anywhere near because heaven forbid. lol

anways, glad to hear about the progress. been waiting with baited breath all this time. really looking forward to release <3 <3

good luck and keep up the great work, but more than anything, remember take breaks and enjoy life ^_^

(2 edits) (+1)

*gasp* I'm glad to have found a sister-in-arms! Q^Q
I also once had a really bad cramp when I'm in the middle of attending a wedding reception--It hurt so much, I had to squat and clutch my stomach, sweating bullets. My mom, afraid that I would faint, immediately went home with me.

And yes, it's also true that nobody wanted to be anywhere around me when it's that time of the month, because (let me quote you) heaven forbid x'D

Jokes aside, I'll do my best to reach your expectations! Hopefully I can finish Bermuda before my wedding :'D things kinda go out of control--the climax of the final battle have become more intense than I expected and I ended up wanting to make more CGs for each bachelor before I get to the sad end/happy end + epilogue.

I'll explain more on today's update but yep, busy, busy, busy! x'D

Last but not least, thank you for always supporting me and please take care of your health!
Good luck with work but don't overexert yourself ><


I had a similar incident in the middle of weight lifting class in high school... at the start of my cycle. you'd think I randomly started dying like one of the people from the Cloverfield movie... minus the motion sickness inducing camera. later it was funny, because I was the only girl in class, and literally everyone panicked.

anyways! more importantly...

hearing that you've been super inspired is great! I hope you have a wonderful wedding, and a long honeymoon!

Also, I absolutely fell in love with Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones, and the content of Bermuda that's currently playable, so I doubt there's any way that the completed story will be anything but satisfying. I'm super happy, so take your time and enjoy! ^_^

I ... I laughed too much than I should x'D
Your comments are so funny! I haven't even watched Cloverfield but I can imagine it rofl
I lost it when you told me you're the only girl in the class--I mean, the poor boys :'))

Amen and thank you for the blessings <3
I really appreciate you coming here to encourage me ^///^ things have been a little rough here so thanks for cheering me up! *hugg