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Very glad you got it working :) Thank you for the feedback and the kind words. I agree, the enemies were an early concept that seemed like a good idea before I had a better understanding of what the game was. I’m starting to notice that peaceful is a word that several people that play have been saying so I will definitely consider leaning into that as a design pillar. Out of curiosity, what was your favourite level and have you tried multiplayer? I wonder if the vibe will change if you play with a friend.

No problem! I got "peaceful" from minecraft which let's you play with no enemies. I actually didn't make it super far, I got stuck on the 3rd or 4th level where you go inside a long building with stages and there's an end boss with spikes in the middle. I tried for probably 5 to 10 minutes and gave up. I really liked level 2 where it first introduces enemies (slowly) and you have a few obstacles including water, that was more what I was expecting. I didn't play with anyone, but I can see that being easier and more fun!

Ah, yeah that enemy is a struggle haha. There’s actually very few enemies in the later levels, (from 5 and up). Instead I just focus on introducing 

Ah, yeah that enemy is a struggle haha. Actually there’s no more enemies from level 5 on I believe except for a small skirmish in one of the levels. From them on it’s all new mechanics and level challenges

Oh cool, I'll give it another try when I get the chance and see if I can make it to level 5.