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what is the point of this game? is it just to die over and over again or is the point to try to save everyone in the house?


Both, you can Either save them or slay them :)

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are those the condition required to beat the game? what is the game exactly looking for to tell you won?

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I'd like to think that it's a choose your own ending and choose your own adventure kind of thing :) 

You get whichever ending you want, personally I'll keep the ending where the house is destroyed and the curse gets lifted but my family dies, since they weren't having such a nice life at least now they are free from the house even if it means they died 😂


please dont tell me your ending I have not played that far yet into the game and how do only think it is a choose your own ending when this is a game you made no?

kguidomv88 did not make the game, the game was made by the user known as: barkbarkgames, the person with the profile image of a dog, and yes the game is kind of a "choose your own adventure" kind of thing, like a "which way?" book...except it's a game.

so I am assuming there are several endings

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yes there are several endings and i could tell you them, but i don't think you'd want any spoilers.

doing those things are not required to beat the game... at least i don't think so, but it's kinda like undertale (except not an RPG), it's like undertale because you can do almost whatever you want, just to see what happens, also make sure to leave the fridge open after mom falls asleep on the kitchen chair.

I am sure that is sage advice for this game but it still funny to read it in sentence.

there are many things you can do in this game, for example: you could save everyone and use the gun to kill your dad at the end, or you can kill everyone and when dad comes home he hugs you and says you've been a good girl, or you could just do whatever you feel like doing, like killing the cat out of boredom and then splashing your little sister with water while she plays piano, or you could try and find out all the ways to die and how many deaths there are

I trying to not read some of your replies yet and save them for when I there because I did not even know you got to meet the father in this game and also i have not even made it to the gun I played it once for about 20 or so minutes and stopped.

if you wait around enough and let the time pass by in the game, dad comes home. (DON'T READ AHEAD RIGHT HERE BECAUSE IS SPOILER/ADVICE THING I GUESS) also when the mom makes sandwiches there is a leaky roof in the kitchen and she slips on the puddle on the floor and dies, but you can prevent this so she doesn't become a zombie and kill you, grab the bowling ball from the living room, drop it on the cat to kill it and get the key, (or use milk to get the cat off of its cushion) go into the basement thing, (bottom left door in living room), drop the bowling ball and a bucket will fall, put the bucket in the kitchen and on the spot where the water is dripping.

mom I knew was going to die because I watched some of the makiplier playthrough of the game I just have not played it again myself but tonight I probably will, You think of sitting down and writing a walkthrough of the game you could help a lot of people and you seem to be pretty solid in your knowledge of the game.

yeah i know some things about the game, whenever i really get into a game i try to learn as much about it as i can (i know WAY too much about undertale) you should also watch the youtuber H2ODELIRIOUS, it's not my channel (i don't have a channel) but he's pretty funny and he made some videos about the HOUSE game (it's split into 3 videos) also there are some friends of H2ODELIROUS that have some funny channels, the channel names are: VANOSS, BASICALLYIDOWRK, NOGLA (i forgot the full channel name for nogla), LUICALIBRE, and a few others i think i forgot, and if you ever think about coding games (or watching someone make epic games) you should watch DANI, he makes some cool games that you can also download on itch, like: MILKMAN KARLSON, KARLSON (a 2D version), KARLSON (a 3D DEMO of the one on STEAM), BALLS, FARTY ROCKET, RE-WIND, and that's all i can think of. (but there is another game he has on STEAM called MUCK *it's a survival game* and in it he "TOTALLY DIDN'T STEAL" the inventory from minecraft, and he wondered "where do characters store items in games like that? because it can't ALL fit in their pockets?" and whenever you store items in your inventory in MUCK (especially if it's alot of items) the character's SAUSAGE kinda uh... makes a lump in the rag your character uses for clothing.

Another YouTuber I watch who is my favorite gamer on youtube is markplier. He also made like 3 videos on his playthrough of this game. Also, are you thinking of going into game making as a possible career choice or a hobby, or do you just like watching other people do it?  I am surprised I have never heard of h20 delirious because the dude has over 13 million subs. that is crazy but it is also not surprising considering how much content and how many different creators are currently out on youtube. Like I find all the time new channels with several million subs that I never heard of.  Because there is just so much out there. 

When it comes to making games I have always had ideas for a good story for a game but never really was big on the idea of making the game world or the game levels. I always wished that someday we could have an AI developer tool that you give it a description of the kind of game you're looking to and it would go off and create it for you. I mean that may not be here yet bet I am sure we are not far off from getting something like that in the future and probably at first it would start off with more simplistic games like maybe flash game type games before figuring out how to use it to make the more graphic intense new age games. 

but man could you imagine if we lived in a world where your computer could costume make games that were not only good but exactly the kind of game you like with just a bit of information on what your currently looking to play. but of course, if tech like this if ever does come out they would still have to figure out how to microtransaction the heck out of it.  because you know the devs cannot go without milking you for every penny. 

Also if we are talking about PCs being able to make triple-A type games similar to like PS5 games then we are also talking about a pc that is probably way more powerful than what the most expensive pc you can buy now can do. Because it would take a lot of power to do that kind of processing to make that level of games. Something that currently does not exist on the current market for consumers. If a computer powerful enough to do that all did exist it probably would only be available to companies and cost well over 20 grand.

i have considered game developing as a career choice (because my brother is always bugging me about it) but mainly i like watching people make games, especially dani bc he makes it BIG FUNNI, and while reading what you sent about games you like being made for you, i thought of this thing i remember hearing of that i think is in las vegas, it's this VR thing called THE VOID where you tell the people that are messing with it what games you like, or what movies, and when you put on the headset you will be in your favorite movie or game (i really wanna be inside undertale because i think it's really cool and pretty wholesome sometimes)

undertake was one of my favorite playthroughs of a game ever. though I did end up fighting a lot in the playthrough I did of the game. But after a while I felt guilty about it I never fully finished the game made it up to the final boss and at the time I just was out of time to play through anymore. 

but I would believe at some point in the future we would have some form of AI that would create games for us just like even though it is sort of bad right now you have placed on the internet where the computer will write a story for you and there are other programs where you can get your computer to write music for you.  As we perfect AI we could be looking someday at a  world where you want to hear the music you like the computer will just compose it for you on the fly or you want to play a good game the computer will make it for you or need a history paper written for class the computer will write it for you.

But also when it comes to games one of the next evolution of gaming I would like to see is how we can use games in an entertaining and exciting way to teach. I mean if history class was as fun and entertaining as my play-throughs of assassins creed games I would have love to know more about history, In fact, assassins creed did get me to read and research some about the time periods that the games took place in. 

I also believe that you can use video games to share experiences like a well written and made game showing you what life might be like as a black man in America right now and give a bit of an idea of what he must be going through and get to experience from a game what racism he might face on a regular.

But just imagine whit the level of tech we have now and where will be in the future how games can probably get across more in several hour play sessions than a week of lectures on the same topic could. Because games have ways of putting you into a period or situation that is more real and more immersive when done correctly than talks or stories of others' experience ever could.

technically there already is a way you can use games to teach and teachers in some schools are actually using it, it's called MINECRAFT: LEARNING EDITION and some people actually like it