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I'm able to play. Really interesting concept.

I don't know if this is intentional, but about 3-4 minutes in after the 3rd prompt, I get a screen that says "GAME DEV TO BE COMPLETED." Maybe you didn't have enough time, but I figured I'd point that out in case you accidentally uploaded an older release.

The first issue I noticed was that the videos and UI, while engaging, were very zoomed out. They took up probably 20% of my screen, so it would probably be a good idea to zoom in so I could see better.  There were some UI hiccups because of this, too - when the speed got over 100km, it started jittering back and forth on the line below it, which made it hard to read - increasing the scale would have helped there. Also, though I selected "miles" in the options menu, everything still showed up in kilometers rather than miles. I didn't get any audio or visual confirmation when clicking "miles" though, so maybe that wasn't implemented.

That stuff is all somewhat minor, though. I think if you really want to take this concept to the next level, you should make it more interactive and maybe even use your own footage. Games like this are exciting because they push the boundaries of what a "game" is. If you can throw people for a loop *and* entertain with this concept, you might just strike gold.