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(1 edit)

This is a really unique and fun game with cute graphics and sound, but there were a few things that made it kind of frustrating for me in single-player mode.  I got stuck on level 4 because of them.

My first issue is that having to move both characters at once is kind of a problem when there are hazards to avoid.  In level 4, if I missed a throw, inevitably one character would end up in the water multiple times while I had the other run after it.  If I had to step off the switch prematurely because I was moving the other character, I had to spend several throws re-orienting myself onto the switch.  Would it be possible to hold Ctrl / Shift to move only one at a time?  Since the game is meant for two players, I'm assuming that moving at the same time isn't meant to be a core part of the challenge.

My other issue was just that I had trouble seeing exactly where the frisbee would go on a long throw.  Level 4 in particular demands precision over long distances, since missing a throw can cause the frisbee to become irretrievable, or (as I mentioned) cost you several strokes as you fumble after it.  I think a tracer would help a lot - it doesn't have to go all the way out, just a short distance past the cursor would help visualize its path.  Do you think this would make it too easy?  On my last attempt at level 4, I failed because the frisbee landed a few pixels away from the goal and I couldn't retrieve it.

Aside from those issues though, I had fun playing, and I wish I could give the coop mode a try since it seems like it would be even more fun.  Good work!

Thank you for the kind words and the feedback! Yea the single player mode is still a very new addition so there are a ton of problems with maneuvering both characters. I’ve experimented with controlling one at a time but so far none of my implementations have made it any easier. I will let you know down the line if I figure out anything particularly clever. 

Tracing the shots is a planned feature coming down the line as well as cleaning up the levels so there are no irritrevable disc situations. Thank you for reporting the level four one, I will probably be removing the floor beneath the goal on that level to make it simply fall into the water if you miss the goal! 

I’m glad you had a good time though! Let me know if you get to try the coop mode! I would love to get your feedback on that as well.