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So, if I buy it here on will I get chapter 3 at some point or I will have to buy it again?


I believe the dev said that everything after Chapter 2 is Patreon exclusive.


Tibsie is right, Only chapters 1&2 on here for £5 or go to Devs patreon and get all three chapters for a £4 pledge.

(4 edits)

Dev here.

The previous comments are inaccurate and Chapter 3 will indeed be uploaded here once it's out of early-access.

They are likely mistaking something I've said previously, which is that "only Chapter 1 is free to play."

v0.3 was released to patrons in early-access on the 5th. v0.3.1 will be released here on Itch and on other platforms later tonight. We do this to ensure the game is polished/ready for people paying full price for it.

Edit: I think I see now where the confusion came in, as there was an out-of-date statement on the main-game page (we initially planned to only ever release Ch1 here -- which was free -- but as you can see changed our minds which is why you can now purchase Ch2).