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Wanted to like this game, as I liked the original text game, but really can't  recommend as is.

The combat system is unbalanced to the point of unplayable.  Even with platinum sword and armor (which takes way too much grinding to get), you still eventually run into enemies that can still knock a 3rd of your health off in one shot.  Additionally, if you go the full corruption path you lose all your special combat abilities that prevent bosses from steamrolling you.  At that point many enemies become virtually unbeatable without absurd amounts of grinding.  

Ironically, the entire combat system could have been axed from the game without losing much content.  The entire premise is about the main character becoming corrupted by a lust curse, so it would have been better to just focus everything on the paladin's interactions with the sexy townfolks, either him struggling to remain pure or giving in to lust.  

As is, you spend hours grinding to make it through the combat portions only to get a lackluster sex scene without pictures.  

TL;DR - Combat is broken and unnecessary.  Weak payoff.