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Interesting idea! It started as such a struggle (i think i lost at round 1 maybe ten times :’) ) but managed to make it to round 7. If you wanted to make it into a cute mobile game I think it would do well with some kind of progression mechanics to ease the player through the experience instead of one wall of mass memorisation. (start with a sparse room and objects can be persistently added to it as you get more successful maybe). Enjoyed this experience ^-^

Deleted 3 years ago

(sorry i think i posted the reply in the wrong place)

thank you so much! good idea with the progression.

EDIT: round 7 is pretty good...i playtested the game repeatedly and didn't get any farther than 6 (ㆆ_ㆆ)

That is a really great idea that was considered, but couldn't make it into the game. Adding more items progressively would be the best way in my opinion as well to scale up the difficulty, so I hope I'll manage to get it into the game in some way.
Also sorry for making you play the first round a lot, I was the one who drew the room and playtested most of the time so I was pretty used to the game and just powered through it, forgetting the fact that other people may not be able to memorize 20 different items all at once... Thanks for the feedback and the compliments!