Hi, this is a fun game. I think I am close to the end, but I think there is a bug in the current version that prevents me from finishing the game(?).
EDIT: I managed to beat the game, but there were some things near the end that could be improved, see below:
(Not to spoil anything, I have used www.rot13.com to encode. Use www.rot13.com to decode it)
">tvir qbyyne
(gb Ohyyl)
"Pbzr ba va," fnvq gur Ohyyl. "Bu, naq, gur sbbgonyy fgnqvhz vf nobir urer."
Lbh nera'g ubyqvat gur qbyyne ovyy.
Lbh pna'g tb gung jnl." [nppbeqvat gb ebbz qrfpevcgvba, gur fpubby vf fbhgu bs urer, vs V cnl gur Ohyyl]